Insights In Automation’s
CompactLogix and ControlLogix Index (55)
Updated on April 6th, 2015
Today we’re featuring all of the articles, podcasts, and videos we’ve done on the topic of Rockwell’s CompactLogix, ControlLogix and RSLogix/Studio 5000 products.
If there’s a new Logix topic you’d like to see covered, please let us know by clicking on the “post a comment or question” link below.
Which ControlLogix Models Support Modbus?
March 11, 2015
In a recent article we took a look at which CompactLogix models support Modbus. As a follow-up to that post, in today’s article we’ll take a look at which ControlLogix processors support Modbus. ControlLogix support for Modbus RTU ControlLogix models with a built-in DB9 serial port don’t natively support Modbus RTU like most of the …
Five Questions To Ask Before Migrating To The ControlLogix L7x
March 9, 2015
In a recent article we looked at migrating from the CompactLogix L3xE to the L3xER, by reviewing five things you should consider. As a follow-up to that post, in today’s article we’ll take a look at five things you should consider before migrating from the 1756-L6x to the 1756-L7x ControlLogix processors. Five questions to ask before …
Having issues with Studio 5000 v24? This may be the reason why…
March 4, 2015
If you’re having problem running Studio 5000 v24, a friend’s recent experience may shed some light on it. A couple of weeks ago I received a call from a friend who spent a frustrating day trying to get Studio 5000 version 24 to work. My friend has been using Allen-Bradley PLC’s and …
Which CompactLogix Models Support Modbus?
February 25, 2015
While Ethernet/IP leads the way for new industrial network installations in North America, there’s no denying the massive number of products that still ship with some sort of Modbus protocol support. In fact, Rockwell’s own “DSI” protocol used in the PowerFlex family of drives is Modbus RTU compatible. And as we’ve …
Five Questions To Ask Before Migrating To The New 5370 CompactLogix L3x
February 23, 2015
Last week we took a look at the L32E versus the L33ER and found the later supported many more remote analog modules as well as HMI’s. In today’s article we’ll take a look at five things you should consider before deciding on migrating from the 1769-L32E or 1769-L35E to the 1769-L33ER …
How to get Rockwell’s EtherNet IP Capacity Tool
February 18, 2015
In Monday’s article we compared the Ethernet I/O capacities of two Allen-Bradley CompactLogix processors. To accomplish that comparison, we used Rockwell’s EtherNet IP Capacity Tool. In today’s article we’ll show you where you can find and download the latest version of this free utility: Step 1) Navigate to IATools Open your …
The CompactLogix L32E vs L33ER: Which controls more I/O?
February 16, 2015
Recently I’ve been running into the perception that Rockwell’s new 5370 CompactLogix controllers have the ability to control less I/O than previous models. To address this question, today we’ll take a look at the 1769-L32E versus the 1769-L33ER to see which one of these CompactLogix processors can control the most I/O. L32E vs. L33ER: …
How to download CompactLogix and ControlLogix Firmware
February 5, 2015
In today’s article we walk you through the updated steps you take to download CompactLogix and ControlLogix Firmware. Step 1) Navigate to Step 2) On the left, click on the “Product Compatibility and Download Center” link: Step 3) Now select “Firmware Updates” Step 4) Here select your processor type. In this …
The New 1769-L1 Series B Currently Supports v20 and v24
February 4, 2015
If you’ve been using the 1769-L16 or L18 CompactLogix from Rockwell Automation with either Studio 5000 version 21 or 23 take note: The next processor you receive may be the series B version which currently only supports version 20 and 24. The easiest away around having to upgrade from 21 … R
Insight’s Inbox: I have a ControlLogix, how do I access the controller’s clock?
January 30, 2015
Today we’re kicking off a new series entitled, “Insight’s Inbox,” which are articles based on the reader email questions we receive. Reader Question: I would like to enable some ControlLogix code when it’s between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. How do I do this? Insight’s Answer: You’re in luck, this is definitely do-able with the ControlLogix. Here …
Seven more things you should know about the 5370 CompactLogix
January 23, 2015
At the end of a very hectic couple of weeks teaching Logix and View introductory classes, I thought I would share seven more things you need to know about the current generation of CompactLogix 5370 controllers. NOTE: To find out the first seven things you should know about the current generation of …
Seven things you need to know about current gen CompactLogix
January 20, 2015
I’ve been teaching Logix and View introductory classes the last few days, and have to say I’ve been a little surprised how many people are not familiar with Rockwell’s current generation of CompactLogix. With that in mind, in today’s article I’ll cover the seven things you need to know about this …
The Automation Blog’s “Best Of 2014? Logix blogs
December 29, 2014
Welcome to the first article in our “Best of 2014? series. Today we’ll list the seven most popular CompactLogix and ControlLogix blogs of 2014. As we mentioned in last year’s best of, please keep in mind that older blogs have a distinct advantage since they’ve been around much longer than newer ones. So it wouldn’t …
What version is my RSLogix 5000 ACD file?
December 24, 2014
In today’s article I’ll share a simple tip on how to find your RSLogix 5000 .ACD file version without opening it in RSLogix 5000. Why would you care? Experienced RSLogix 5000 users know that you only install the versions of RSLogix you believe you’ll need. So if you’re sent a file to look at, …
Flashback Friday! RSLogix 5000 ASCII Integer from Word to String
November 7, 2014
Welcome to The Automation Blog’s “Flashback Friday!” Today I’m highlighting some simple code I wrote and published twelve years ago using RSLogix version 10. The year was 2002, and my client needed a way to take an ADCII integer read from an Bar Code reader and place it into a string This was the early …
How To Download Rockwell’s PlantPAx Library Of Process Objects
November 5, 2014
Rockwell’s PlantPAx Library of Process Objects recently became available to the public without requiring a support contract. In today’s article I’ll walk you through the steps you take to download this library. Steps To Download Rockwell’s PlantPAx Library Of Process Objects Step 1: Navigate to, then on the left hand side …
Studio 5000 Version 24 Released
November 3, 2014
Rockwell Automation recently released for download version 24 of its Studio 5000 Logix Designer software, which programs its CompactLogix and ControlLogix line of Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC.) The download weighs in at 3.49gb, and with a good high speed connection users can expect it to take just under 30 minutes. The download package includes RSLinx …
Podcast: Can Multiple Logix Controllers Control the Same I/O
August 21, 2014
In The Automation Podcast: Episode 28, we discuss if Multiple Controllers can Control the Same I/O.
Podcast: Data Logging options for Compact and ControlLogix
August 14, 2014
In The Automation Podcast: Episode 27, we discuss data logging options for Compact and ControlLogix.
What’s new with Logix, as seen at RSTechED 2014
July 11, 2014
What’s new? One of my all time favorite sessions at RSTechED are the “What’s New” series. This year’s RSTechED was a little light on these sessions, but they did still have “What’s new with Logix,” and I’ll share my highlights in today’s blog. Note: Earlier this week I covered Studio 5000 …
Studio 5000 Logix Designer version 24, as seen at RSTechED
July 9, 2014
Studio 5000 Logix Designer version 24 RSTechED is a great event to find out about what’s new and coming from Rockwell Automation. This year we got details of the new features and functions expected to be in Studio 5000 version 24 (formerly version 22) when its released later this fall. Logical Organizer View …
What you need to know about Studio 5000 version 22, 23 and 24
July 7, 2014
Studio 5000 Logix Designer version 22 For only the second time in the product’s history over a decade, Rockwell will not be releasing a major version of Logix programming software. That’s right, Studio 5000 version 22 will not be released to the public. Instead, it will remain an internal build. So what’s the …
Podcast: Adding I/O at Runtime
June 19, 2014
In The Automation Podcast: Episode 23, we discuss which Allen-Bradley PLC’s support adding I/O at runtime.
What is the Logix 5000 Removable Media Explorer?
June 9, 2014
While looking into the ability to log from a ControlLogix or CompactLogix directly to a CSV file, I came across the most curios note. In the documentation for the sample code I reviewed last week HERE, I found a reference to something called, “Logix 5000 Removable Media Explorer (RME.)” It’s not every …
ControlLogix and CompactLogix Datalogging to CSV File
June 2, 2014
A couple of years ago, prior to the release of Studio 5000 v21, Rockwell demonstrated a future feature for it’s new “multi-core” programmable automation controllers. This new feature was a very robust, controller based data logging system. Unfortunately, since that demo a couple of years back nothing more has been hear about this feature. …
What are PlantPAx Process Objects?
May 21, 2014
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about PlantPAx lately. Specifically about PlantPAx as it pertains to HMI and SCADA systems. While PlantPAx is a very wide and broad topic, when I get the above question it typically relates to Rockwell’s highly developed faceplates, formerly known as the “PlantPAx Library of Process Objects.” The …
Small Allen-Bradley (A-B) Ethernet Programmable Controllers
May 19, 2014
Today, Ethernet is the network of choice for automation systems. In years past, Ethernet was an expensive and costly add-on. However, more and more small programmable controllers are now coming with Ethernet as standard. Below we’ll cover what is available today for small Ethernet Programmable Controllers from Allen-Bradley. Micro820 and 850 If …
How to set the Ethernet/IP address of your new CompactLogix using the USB port
May 14, 2014
If you’re still using BOOT-P to set the IP address of your USB equipped 5370 CompactLogix, today I’ll show you a much easier way. First, you’ll need a standard USB cable. This is the same type you would use with a USB printer with the familiar flat side which plugs …
RSLogix 5000 Previous Versions DVD Returns
May 12, 2014
It’s been a long several months. Ever since Rockwell decided to remove the “previous versions” DVD from new orders of RSLogix 5000, aka Studio 5000, confused and upset clients have been calling in. Why this second DVD was removed from the software package in the first place is still a mystery to …
Seven things you should know about Studio 5000 Logix Designer (formerly RSLogix 5000)
April 30, 2014
It’s been just over a year since Rockwell launched Studio 5000 Logix Designer, and it seems I’m getting more questions about it now than ever before. As of version 21, Studio 5000 Logix Designer is the new name for RSLogix 5000. However, there are some changes above and beyond the product name you …
Why can’t I access my AOI local tags from my HMI?
March 28, 2014
A client contacted me this week with a problem. He couldn’t get his HMI to communicate to his ControlLogix AOI’s local tags. However, what really seemed weird was that Rockwell HMI projects could do just this. So the question became, what trick was the factory using to make this possible? I was fairly …
Changes I would like to see made to Rockwell’s Translate PLC-5 SLC utility
February 4, 2014
Having used Rockwell’s Translate PLC-5 SLC utility on multiple occasions, and having discussed it’s practical use with other programmers time and again, I recently sent the following recommendations to Rockwell: INTs vs. DINTs One of easier things I would like to see changed in the “Translate PLC-5 SLC 2.0 utility” is the automatic …
What you need to know about ControlLogix redundancy
February 3, 2014
Over the years I’ve received many request for information about ControlLogix redundancy. During that time I’ve developed the following ten tips for new redundancy users: At a minimum you will need two processors, two communication modules, two redundancy modules, a redundancy module interconnect cable, two chassis, two power supplies, and at least one rack of whatever …
Converting your RSLogix 500 program to RSLogix 5000 using the Translate PLC-5 SLC 2.0 utility step-by-step
January 22, 2014
If you have a PLC-5 or SLC-500 program you would like to import into RSLogix 5000, look no further than Rockwell’s free “Translate PLC-5 SLC 2.0 utility.” This utility can save you hundreds of hours of manually re-entering code, and is available free of charge from the public Rockwell Tech …
Working around the Translate PLC-5 SLC 2.0 utility’s syntax error
January 20, 2014
A few weeks ago, a client asked me to review his SLC-500 program files. He wanted my advice on how difficult it would be to convert them to CompactLogix. When I received his files, the first thing I did was power on my primary Windows 7 64bit virtual machine. Then I opened each of …
Why won’t RSLogix 5000 v16 find my activation?
January 8, 2014
Last week a client sent me his RSLogix 5000 v16 file to review. It was a slow week, and I honestly didn’t expect looking over his files would take more than an hour or so. Boy was I wrong! Because the client sent me an older v16 file, I fired up my Windows XP VMware …
The Automation Blog’s “Best Of 2013? Programmable Controller blogs
December 30, 2013
Welcome to the first article in our “Best of 2013? series. Today we focus on our seven most popular Programmable Controller blogs. However, we should keep in mind that older blogs have a distinct advantage as they have been around much longer. And it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few …
Podcast: Logix Non-Volatile Memory Load Modes
December 12, 2013
In The Automation Podcast, Episode 8, we discuss the different non-volatile memory load modes used in the CompactLogix and ControlLogix.
Podcast: Programmable Controller Non-Volatile and Volatile Memory
December 10, 2013
In The Automation Podcast, Episode 7, we discuss PLC and PAC non-volatile and volatile memory as used in the PLC-5, SLC-500, CompactLogix and ControlLogix.
Podcast: Why your ControlLogix time may be off a few hours
December 5, 2013
In The Automation Podcast, Episode 6, we discuss why your ControlLogix or CompactLogix time may be off by a few hours.
RSLogix 5000: What comes in the box?
December 2, 2013
When you order RSLogix 5000 these days you may not get what you were expecting. While the software’s part number hasn’t changed, the contents of the package have. So in today’s blog we’ll review exactly what you now get when you order RSLogix 5000. Studio 5000 Packaging The first thing you’ll notice is the …
Podcast: 1769-AENTR
November 28, 2013
In The Automation Podcast, Episode 3, we discuss the 1769-AENTR as shown at Automation Fair 2013.
Seven things you need to know before using ControlLogix
November 25, 2013
It’s easy to forget that not everyone has used Rockwell’s ControlLogix. In fact, I was just reminded of this last week when I needed to review the below list of basics with a client: 1) Each new ControlLogix processor needs to have to firmware downloaded to it. Every time you open up a new ControlLogix, you’ll …
Podcast: RSLogix 5000 version 20.03
November 19, 2013
In The Automation Podcast, Episode 2, we discuss what makes version 20.03 of RSLogix 5000 different for all previous minor revisions.
The 1769-AENTR as seen at Automation Fair 2013
November 15, 2013
Mid-morning of the first day of Automation Fair 2013, I had the fortune of participating in a show floor meeting with Dexter Long, the CompactLogix product manager for Rockwell Automation. The meeting was to discuss the newly announced (and long desired) 1769-AENTR. As the part number implies, this is an Ethernet/IP adapter for …
Which RSLogix 5000 package is right for you?
October 16, 2013
Client’s often call asking which package of RSLogix 5000 they should buy, and in the article I’ll attempt to help prospective customers answer that question. Programming Packages: RSLogix 5000 Mini, PN#9324-RLD200ENE, $805.00 The “Mini” edition of RSLogix 5000 only programs the “CompactLogix” family of controllers, and only in the ”Ladder Logic” programming …
What you need to know before upgrading to RSLogix 5000 v20.03
October 14, 2013
Wait! Before you install version 20.03 you really should understand how it’s different, very different, from all previous minor revisions of RSLogix 5000. In the past, it didn’t matter if everyone in your facility had a different minor revision of RSLogix 5000. For instance, if you had version 19.00 installed, …
Estimating your Allen-Bradley (A-B) Logix controller’s Ethernet/IP bandwidth using Rockwell’s free Ethernet/IP capacity tool
October 1, 2013
When designing or upgrading a system which relies on a network, bandwidth is always a concern. But for Rockwell’s CompactLogix and ControlLogix on an Ethernet/IP network there is a free, easy to use utility to help you size your system. Rockwell’s Ethernet/IP Capacity Tool: Rockwell’s Ethernet/IP Capacity Tool, which can be freely downloaded here, allows …
Are the inputs on the Allen-Bradley (A-B) 1769-L1xER high speed?
September 23, 2013
Last week a colleague asked me if the inputs on the Allen-Bradley (A-B) 1769-L1xER were high speed inputs, like found on some MicroLogix. I honestly had no idea, but I was on my way back to my home office so I told him I would look it up and get back to him. …
Can multiple Logix PLC’s control the same Ethernet I/O?
August 28, 2013
A client recently asked me if multiple CompactLogix (or ControlLogix) processors could control the same Ethernet I/O? Since RSLogix5000 has supported Ethernet I/O, its been possible to setup two processors to control, or “own,” the same remote rack of Ethernet I/O. However, the processor which attached to the I/O first would be the …
ControlLogix support for adding I/O online
August 21, 2013
A common client question of late is what are the abilities of the ControlLogix when is comes to adding I/O online. In certain industries, processes can’t shut down as doing so would lead to loss of production or in extreme cases damage to the production line. In these situations, the …
RSLogix 5000 “How To” Start Page Videos from Rockwell Allen-Bradley (A-B)
August 12, 2013
Rockwell’s RSLogix 5000 includes over fifty “How To” getting started videos designed to aid new users, or to introduce new features to existing users. These video “media files” which are found in the RSLogix 5000 “Start Page” often go unnoticed, as does the fact that Rockwell also makes these videos available free of charge on their Allen-Bradley …
How to test the loading of Non-Volatile memory in your CompactLogix or ControlLogix
July 5, 2013
Similar to other Allen-Bradley PLC’s, the CompactLogix and ControlLogix Controllers give you three options for loading the Controller’s memory “image” from non-volatile memory (CompactFlash, SD, etc.) These “load modes” are “User Initiated,” “On Power Up,” and ”On Corrupt Memory.” Below I’ll walk you through how to test each of these modes, of which ”On Corrupt …
Why your CompactLogix or ControlLogix Real Time Clock (DateTime) may be a few hours off
July 2, 2013
A client recently called frustrated that the real time clock in his CompactLogix processor was always off by 4 hours. While I had heard this complaint in the past, since I hadn’t run into it myself I needed to do a little research to understand what this client was experiencing. I found that prior to RSLogix 5000 version 16, using a GSV (“get system variable”) instruction to …
RSLogix 5000 Ladder Logic Example – ASCII Integer from Word to String
October 11, 2002
This is a simple RSLogix 5000 program designed to convert a integer which contains two ASCII characters read from a bar code reader to the first two characters in a String. Requirements: RSLogix 5000 Version: 10 Additional Requirements: None File Size: 77.6 kb Uploaded on: 10/11/02 Developed By: Shawn Michael Tierney Download …
I hope the above article listing all our blogs, podcasts, and videos about the CompactLogix., ControlLogix and RSLogix/Studio 5000 was helpful.
If you have a comment, question, or suggestion, please feel free to leave them with us by filling out the “post a comment or question” link below.
Until next time, Peace ✌️
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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator
Eliminate commercials and gain access to my weekly full length hands-on, news, and Q&A sessions by becoming a member at The Automation Blog or on YouTube. You'll also find all of my affordable PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at
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