RSView32 Reporting Hands-on Labs

“How do you create reports in RSView32” is a very common question, and it’s one that’s difficult to answer.

RSView32 ReportingThe problem is not that RSView32 reporting is hard, it’s because there are several unique options available.

With that in mind, I put together a “RSView32 Reporting Hands-on Labs” document in an attempt to more fully convey how each RSView32 reporting option works.

Through several labs, step by step instructions guides the reader in creating reports in seven unique ways.

  • RSView32 Version: 6.30.17
  • Additional Requirements: RSView32 Report Utility, MSExcel, Resources CD, Messenger ,XLReporter Demo
  • I/O Size: 0 (Uses Samples Demo)
  • File Size: 3.09 mb
  • Uploaded on: 8-1-02
  • Developed By: Shawn Michael Tierney

Download Link: Currently available as part of HMI Bundle as of 220907

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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Note: This article was previously posted on the author's original websites, and


  1. Hello Shawn

    I came across this posting and it looks like it could be very helpful for me. I tried the download link and it takes me to your website and displays a “Not Found” message. I was hoping you might be able to provide a working link or maybe e-mail the file to me.

    Thank you for your time and efforts


  2. Hello Shawn,

    Unfortunately, the document is unavailable, is there anyway to download it…
    I have Rsview 32 ver. 7.60 and i want to do alarm management using your document to get reports.Is this applicable???

    Thanks for your time..

    • I’ve added this old lab book to my HMI bundle here: (if you have already purchased it you can just redownload the new zip file.)

      The labs in the document include:

      – Lab 1: Reports using “PrintDisplay”
      – Lab 2: Reporting with DDE to Excel
      – Lab 3: Reports based on DBF datalogs & Excel
      – Lab 4: Reports using Resources CD applet
      – Lab 5: Reporting using RSView32 Messenger
      – Lab 6: Reporting using the Reporting Utility
      – Lab 7: Reporting using SyTech’s XLReporter

      Note: These labs are not specifically designed for use with alarms.

      If you’d like to ask me questions about RSView32 feel free to over at, however please note that I don’t have any “canned” reports for RSView32 alarm logs.

      Best wishes,



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