PanelView Plus – Automatically Run USB Flash Drive Script

Sandisk Memory StickOn Monday and Tuesday we discussed how to access the “Configuration Mode” of the PanelView Plus and PanelView Plus 6. One additional way we did not yet cover is using an “autorun.bat” file on a USB Memory Stick (aka USB Thumb Drive, USB Flash Drive.)

These script are written to automatically move all your FactoryTalk View Machine Edition (ViewME) Runtime Files (.mer) off your terminal so when it’s rebooted it doesn’t find the needed .mer file and therefore returns to the “Configuration Mode.”

The “autorun.bat” file used for this purpose is a simple text based file reminiscent of the old DOS files of the same name.

When you place one of these files in the root folder of your USB Memory Stick, and insert it into your PVPlus, it immediately runs.

And while the commands in the “autorun.bat” file aren’t limited to coping your “.mer” files to and from your USB memory stick, this is what the below samples scripts are designed to do.

PanelView-Plus-700-BackThe first two scripts are custom ones I created for a client with a PanelView Plus 6 firmware rev 6.0 terminal.

The first backs up all the .mer files on the terminal to the USB Memory Stick , and then deletes them from the terminal.

The second script copies all the .mer files from the USB Memory Stick back to the Terminal.

Update 08/11/15: The below scripts are now available as a bundled download here:

Update 08/11/15: I recently received a PVP7s donation (thanks RK!) and can confirm these files also work on it.

Update 08/11/15: I’ve added two new scripts whch have been edited to work on a PanelPlus v5.1, but I also tested them on a PanelView Plus v3.2 and they worked there as well.

PanelView Plus 6 / 7 autorun.bat file script text used to backup .mer files from the terminal to the usb memory stick, and then delete the .mer files from the terminal.

NOTE: This file was tested on a PanelView Plus 6 and PanelView Plus 7 Standard

UPDATE: The below text was updated on 08/11/2015 to correct a typo in the REMarks

echo on


REM **************************************************************
REM    CREDITS: This file was created by Shawn Tierney and may be purchased
REM    as part of a bundle for just $0.99 at Thank you in
REM    advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 1 – Make backup MER folder on the PVPlus 6 in case copy fails

CD\application data\rockwell software\rsviewme

MD backup

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 2 – Copy MER files to the backup directory created above

CD runtime

COPY *.* “\application data\rockwell software\rsviewme\backup”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 3 – Copy the MER files to the USB STORAGE DEVICE

COPY *.* “\usb storage”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 4- Make correct directory on USB Drive (may already exist)

CD\usb storage

MD “Rockwell Software”

CD Rockwell Software



MD Runtime

CD Runtime

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 5 – COPY MER files to correct directory on the USB Drive

CD\Application Data\Rockwell Software\RSViewME\Runtime

COPY *.* “\USB Storage\rockwell software\rsviewme\runtime”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 6 – Delete MER files from the PVPlus 6 application directory to
REM    force the system to return to Configuration Menu on reboot

DEL *.mer

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    REMINDER – Tell the operators to allow 120 seconds from when they
REM    insert the card before they remove it
REM    The process is now complete
REM    Remove the USB Drive and cycle power to the terminal
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    This file was written & tested by Shawn Tierney,
REM    and may be purchased as part of a four file bundle for just $0.99
REM    at Thank you in advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

PanelView Plus 6 / 7 autorun.bat file script text used to copy .mer files from the usb memory stick to the terminal:

NOTE: This file was tested on a PanelView Plus 6 and PanelView Plus 7 Standard

UPDATE: The below text was updated on 08/11/2015 to correct a typo in the REMarks

echo on


REM **************************************************************
REM    CREDITS: This file was created by Shawn Tierney and may be purchased
REM    as part of a bundle for just $0.99 at Thank you in
REM    advance for your support!

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 1 – Copy all .MER files from the correct directory on the USB Drive
REM    to the correct directory on the PanelView Plus 6

CD\Application Data\Rockwell Software\RSViewME\Runtime

COPY “USB Storage\Rockwell Software\RSViewME\Runtime\*.*”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    REMINDER – Tell the operators to allow 120 seconds from when they
REM    insert the card before they remove it
REM    The process is now complete
REM    Remove the USB Drive and cycle power to the terminal

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    This file was written & tested by Shawn Tierney,
REM    and may be purchased as part of a four file bundle for just $0.99
REM    at Thank you in advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

NEW! PanelView Plus 5.1 autorun.bat file script text used to backup .mer files from the terminal to the usb memory stick, and then delete the .mer files from the terminal.

NOTE: This file was tested on a v5.1 and v3.2 PanelView Plus

echo on


REM **************************************************************
REM    CREDITS: This file was created by Shawn Tierney and may be purchased
REM    as part of a bundle for just $0.99 at Thank you in
REM    advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 1 – Make backup MER folder on the PVPlus in case copy fails

CD\storage card\rockwell software\rsviewme

MD backup

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 2 – Copy MER files to the backup directory created above

CD runtime

COPY *.* “\storage card\rockwell software\rsviewme\backup”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 3 – Copy the MER files to the USB STORAGE DEVICE

COPY *.* “\usb storage”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 4- Make correct directory on USB Drive (may already exist)

CD\usb storage

MD “Rockwell Software”

CD Rockwell Software



MD Runtime

CD Runtime

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 5 – COPY MER files to correct directory on the USB Drive

CD\storage card\rockwell software\rsviewme\runtime

COPY *.* “\usb storage\rockwell software\rsviewme\runtime”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 6 – Delete MER files from the PVPlus application directory to
REM    force the system to return to Configuration Menu on reboot

DEL *.mer

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    REMINDER – Tell the operators to allow 120 seconds from when they
REM    insert the card before they remove it
REM    The process is now complete
REM    Remove the USB Drive and cycle power to the terminal
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    This file was written & tested by Shawn Tierney,
REM    and may be purchased as part of a four file bundle for just $0.99
REM    at Thank you in advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

New! PanelView Plus 5.1 autorun.bat file script text used to copy .mer files from the usb memory stick to the terminal:

NOTE: This file was tested on a v5.1 and v3.2 PanelView Plus

echo on


REM **************************************************************
REM    CREDITS: This file was created by Shawn Tierney and may be purchased
REM    as part of a bundle for just $0.99 at Thank you in
REM    advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    STEP 1 – Copy all .MER files from the correct directory on the USB Drive
REM    to the correct directory on the PanelView Plus

CD\storage card\rockwell software\rsviewme\runtime

COPY “\usb storage\rockwell software\rsviewme\runtime\*.*”

REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    REMINDER – Tell the operators to allow 120 seconds from when they
REM    insert the card before they remove it
REM    The process is now complete
REM    Remove the USB Drive and cycle power to the terminal
REM **************************************************************

REM **************************************************************
REM    This file was written & tested by Shawn Tierney,
REM    and may be purchased as part of a four file bundle for just $0.99
REM    at Thank you in advance for your support!
REM **************************************************************

IMPORTANT: Please note, copying the above text from inside internet explorer may replace the standard “quotes” with angled “quotes,” which will in turn cause the copy and make directory functions to fail when executed on the PanelView Plus.

Update: The above scripts are now available as a bundled download here:

Hopefully the above autorun scripts will come in handy if you ever lock yourself out of your PVPlus, or if you just want an easy way to backup all your .mer runtime files on your terminal.

If you have any stories about being locked out of your PVPlus, or have a similar script to share, please click on the “post a comment or question” link below to share your comments with the rest of us.

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

If you enjoy this episode please give it a Like, and consider Sharing as this is the best way for us to find new guests to come on the show.

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

Eliminate commercials and gain access to my weekly full length hands-on, news, and Q&A sessions by becoming a member at The Automation Blog or on YouTube. You'll also find all of my affordable PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at

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  1. would you be interested in creating a script:
    Step 1) from my laptop create and save the factory talk files onto a thumb drive.
    Step 2) when thumb drive is inserted into HMI it will save current program on the thumb drive
    step 3) install the new program onto the HMI

    Panelview 1000 plus

    • Hey Everyone,

      I’m going to answer Trever’s question above in a general way for anyone who stops by in the future:

      – If you are enrolled in my PanelView Course please don’t hesitate to ask for help on this (or any) PVPlus topic. Just post your question under a related lesson in that course:

      – If you’re not enrolled in my course but still want help, you can become a Supporter for $2 at Each workday once I’ve finished helping students I then check the Locals community to see if any supporters need help (signing up and following at Locals is free,) and I try my best to share any help I can on products I know, like the PVPlus.



  2. Hi Shawn,
    We are trying to access the config menu on a PanelView 800 terminal so that we can calibrate a newly installed touchscreen. Does the USB Flash drive script for removing the .MER files work on this model panel (has FW version 4.014)?

    • Good morning @Prosounder,

      I haven’t tried using a autorun.bat USB Flash drive script on a PV800, but I do know that these scripts won’t work since they are specifically for the PVPlus (the PV800 doesn’t use .MER files.)

      But there are other ways to get into the config menu of the PV800 – I don’t remeber the specifics but I think it’s all listed in the product’s user manual.

      Best of luck,

      Shawn Tierney,
      Instructor at

  3. Good morning Morees,

    I’ll quote you here as the reply may be hard to read:

    “we need to download the program he sent us before, two files, one is MER, second is development MED , i cannot restore run time from MER because its locked by a password ( we do not have it ) , i think the program was built using FTW 5.10 or 6.10 , and i do not if i can benefit from MED , basically we are stuck. We use FTW version 7.0”

    I don’t know any way around a passworded MER, BUT you can upload it and redownload it to a new PVPlus

    Also, you should try a “blank” password if you want to edit it – I’ve been seeing ViewStudio default to a blank password when creating runtimes.

    If that doesn’t work, and the MED file is not alone but part of an entire project folder of files, then create a new project in ViewStudio and import the MED file/project into a new project.

    That procedure likely won’t recreate the RSLinx E setup, however you can look in the PanelView Plus config menu if you need that information to rebuild the shortcuts.

    Hope this helps – please let us know how you make out!

    Have a good weekend,

    Shawn Tierney

  4. Good evening Shawn

    i have a great news , i put usb into panelview plus 600 , right away shows up that screen
    to upgrade firmware , say yes , it took 5 minutes only to finish the process
    complete success , and mission accomplished , nobody knows this at our plant
    only me and you
    thank you so much
    God bless you

      • Hi Shawn
        how are you , long time , i have different problem with my software F T V S version 7.0
        i was working on pvp 600 doing some test project , but no success , anyways i closed it
        but after that i tried to open the software again to open an existing working project
        but no luck , error message shows ( DF1 FAILED TO OPEN AUTO CONFIGURATION , CHECK
        CABLE SETTING AND VERIFY ……. ) and wont open the application
        although i re-installed software , but still no luck , i cannot clear that error

        any help please

        Thank you

        • Good morning morees,

          Good to hear from you!

          Hmm, have not seen that before… definitely seems like an RSLinx issue is stopping the project from loading, almost like it refuses to load without the PLC connected to the same comm port?

          To work around that, I suggest trying to import the existing project into a new project.

          For anyone reading this who has not done that before, when you open View Studio go to the new tab, enter a new application name, then click on the import button, select ME and find the old projects .MED file on your hard drive under shared documents.

          Please let us know if that works for you morees,


          Shawn Tierney

          [sc name="stsigcom"]

              • Hi Shawn
                I solved the issue , which was much more easier than i thought
                First i went to my computer , disk management , service , put rslinks enterprise
                from auto start to manual , then i opened factory studio , open application
                then click on the button on the tool bar ( show / hide project ) to show the
                project ,( i do not why we need that button ) , then right click on communication tab
                on rslinks enterprise , delete DF 1 driver , after i closed software and open it
                everything comes normal
                Thank you

              • Hi Shawn , how are you
                we have a machine have panel view plus 700 , which we talked about it before , the processor
                was burnt , and was fixed , the machine was built by a private guy , which he closed his
                business , and does not answer his phone , we need to download the program , he sent us
                before two files , one is MER , second is development MED , i cannot restore run time
                from MER , because its locked by a password ( we do not have it ) , i think the program was
                built using FTW 5.10 or 6.10 , and i do not if i can benefit from MED , basically we are stuck
                We use FTW version 7.0
                needs your help
                Please and thank you

  5. I watched video yesterday about pvp communication in your demonstration tutorial
    its really helpful , can you please put how to configure rslinx enterprise configuration to go
    point to point ( pc to pvp )

    Thank you


  6. Update: Existing Scripts updated to remove typo in REMarks, and PVPlus 5.1 version of files also added and tested with 3.2 as well.

    I also tested the PVPlus 6 files on a PVPlus 7s and they worked fine,

    Finally, I’ve bundled all four as a zip file and added to as a $0.99 download.

    Hope this helps,

    Shawn Tierney

    [sc name="stsigcom"]

      • Hi Shawn , how are you , today at work we had a problem with Panel view plus 700 , the screen shows error ( Failed to create run time frame project )
        i tried to upload file , but i could not go on line using Ethernet driver , even i could not configure Rslinx enterprise because i cannot access configuration mode , i reset power many times but no luck , there are four tiny buttons on the side default , Reset , communi , and fault , we need your help please before i go to work on Monday

        Thank you


        • Good afternoon Morees,

          Not much to go on there… Is the unit a PVPlus or PVPlus 6? What is the PN?

          Has the unit been running for a number of years without any changes and then suddenly this error comes up?

          Do you have a backup of the project which is suppose to be running on this unit and have you tried to re-download it?

          Do you know the serial port and Ethernet settings the unit was set at?

          I agree the best way to address the last two questions would be to access the configuration mode.

          To do so, check out these two articles, and if you have any questions on what they cover please feel free to reply:


          Shawn Tierney

          [sc name="stsigcom"]

            • Good morning mores,

              If it’s not a PVPlus 6 (i.e. the part number doesn’t end in a 8 or 9) and it’s between version v3.20.09 and 5.1.x, when you cycle power you should get a white square on the screen and if you press it (or F1) during the short time it’s present you will be taken to the config menu.

              However, if it’s pre 3.20.09 and you don’t know any of the port settings you may wish to use the above scripts with the old PVPlus folders in place of the PVPlus 6 folders to copy all the .MER files off the unit to force it to boot to the config menu.

              As a last resort you could unplug the power connector, remove the logic board, remove the internal Compact Flash card and put it into your PC. Then then find and move all.MER files off the card and onto your PC. Then when you reassemble the PVPlus it will have to go to the config menu since there is no .MER to run.

              Of course, if it’s a PVPlus 6 and there is no white box and you don’t know the port settings, there is a procedure in the book to get to the config mode using a USB Keyboard.

              Hope this helps,

              Shawn Tierney

              [sc name="stsigcom"]

  7. HI Shawn , how are you , we did not speak long time
    my pc crashed weeks ago , i had rslogix 5000 from version 10 to 20 , they opened normally
    after i replaced the hard disk , on windows xp professional , service pack 3
    i installed rslogix 5000 version 10 to 19 , no issue i can open the software normally , but the problem is when i try to install version 20.01 it does not complete it , it shows message saying
    ( registry did not complete register redsui.dll contact rockwell automation ) then i click ok to finish installation , but when i try
    to open the software , it does not , and shows message ( fatal error .dmp ) , the i have to
    uninstall version 20.01 again in order to open it

    Thank you

  8. Hi Shawn , how are you today , long time i did not ask for help , now we have at work
    Panelview600c HMI ,i know to go on line using ethernet ip address , but i want to use usb cable
    i downloaded the drive from rockwell site , still i could not go on line , which ip address i should
    put in the URL bar for internet explorer ?
    Thank you , my greetings

    • Octavio,

      If your PVPlus is set to autorun a project, and there is no goto config button in that project, and you don’t get the little white box when the panelview boots, you’re left with two options to access the config mode:

      – Download a program with a goto config button in it
      – Use the autorun.bat file to either rename or copy off the project .mer file which is auto-running

      Aside from that, I’ve never attempted to use the autorun.bat file to change the time and date – its a great idea but I don’t know if Windows CE supports any command prompt commands like that? It may be as simple as just having two lines, like this:

      Time 6:30:00
      Date 08-24-14

      If you find out it works please let us know!


      Shawn Tierney

      [sc name="stsigcom"]

  9. Currently I have Panle View Plus 1000 FW 3.0. And I want to Copy VNC server through External Device i.e USB so Is it possible. As well when I pluged USB Pendrive in PVP USB port …under file management it doesn’ enable external devide. So is it required specific pen drive? PanelView Plus V 3.0 support USB devices like Pendriv…pl. guide

    • Good morning Manasi,

      The PanelView Plus 3.0 is the original version of the PVPlus, and runs the oldest version of Windows CE of any PVPlus.

      This means it doesn’t support as wide a range of USB devices as say a PVPlus 3.1 or 6.0.

      That said, I suggest trying other USB memory sticks until you find one that works. I use the “Sandisk Cruser” line and they work great on both old and new PVPlus models.

      Hope this helps,

      Shawn Tierney

      [sc name="stsigcom"]

  10. Shawn,
    I picked up a panelview plus 1000 that when powered up run a machine operation program that does not allow me to access the rsviewme or anything else. I have tried your program without much success even after editing for the older 4.x versions.
    Any thoughts?

  11. Hi Shawn again , how are you today , i uploaded mer file from a machine which was built by version 5.00 , i used version 7.00 , but what happened i could not continue converting mer to med file because it give a big warning , if i continue that , i wont be able to open screen again on version , so why i did not continue , any easy help please and thank you , morees

    • Good morning Morees,

      If you need to edit a project that was built in View Studio version 5 with View Studio version 7, the resulting project will be version 7, and no longer editable in version 5. However, you will still be able to create a version 5 runtime .MER with View Studio 7.

      I suggest saving a copy of the original version 5 .MER you uploaded in a safe place case you ever need to edit that original project in version 5 in the future.

      Then, I would convert a copy of that version 5 .MER to a project using the View Studio version 7 application manager. Next, make your edits in version 7, and then create a new runtime as version 5.

      Edit: I’m editing this part of my comments from this morning as I forgot about one thing – V7 will only create an MER which is convertible back to a project if you save the MER as v6.1 or v7 (i.e. 64 bit compatible versions.) If you use V7 to save an MER as a version previous to v6.1 it will not allow conversion.

      However, version 6 will allow MER conversions of MER’s created as v6, v5.1 or v5 (this feature first showed up in version 5)

      Now, even though the new runtime is a version 5 .MER, since it was compiled with version 7 it will only be convertible back to a project using version 7.

      Note – I think it helps to think about version 5 and later MER files as containing two parts:
      – 1) Runtime files
      – 2) Development files.

      So even though I can make a version 5 .MER with version 7, it really is only making the runtime file part version 5 so the MER file can run on a version 5 PVPlus. The development files included it that same .MER file are version 7, which is why a version 5 .MER built with version 7 can’t be converted to a version 5 project.

      Hope this helps!

      Shawn Tierney

      [sc name="stsigcom"]

          • Hi Shawn , one question about ( 9 pins serial port ) beneath panel view plus screen , what is it about ? can i use it to down or upload file ? and how do i configure that port from the configuration mode ? any help please and thank you morees

            • Morees,

              The 9 pin serial port can be used to upload and download (albeit much slower then the Ethernet port) as we as communicate to PLC’s from many different vendors.

              To use it for upload or download, or to communicate to a A-B PLC, you need to have It configured in RSLinx Enterprise. You can do this manually, or reset the PVPlus’s communications to defaults in the configuration mode.

              To use it to communicate to third party PLC’s, you need to setup Kepware which comes with ViewStudio.

              Hope this helps!

              Shawn Tierney

              [sc name="stsigcom"]

  12. Hi Mr. Shawn , thank you very much for your help , that did work for me , but the issue is that file it is only read file , we cannot develop or make any changes , also we did not have any luck to upload from screen to pc on line
    , we called Rockwell and they said upload is not possible , any help please , thanks again

    • Good morning Morees,

      It sounds like you were able to get the .MER file off of your PVPlus, but you are not able to edit your .MER file, is that correct?

      In the beginning, the PVPlus had very little memory, so when the .MER file is created certain text heavy project files are compressed. Therefore, Rockwell initially did not provide a means of extracting an .MER back to a project.

      However, they did later post a procedure on how to take a pre-v5 .MER and convert it into a project and you’ll find that on the Rockwell Knowledgebase via the below link:

      However, if your .MER is version 5 or greater, chances are you can use the Application Manager to restore the .MER file since beginning with version 5 Rockwell began putting all project contents into the .MER file so users could easily restore an MER. For more information about that see the below tech note:

      As far as uploading your .MER using your PC, as long as your version of ViewME is the same version or newer than the PVPlus this is pretty easy – just launch the Transfer Utility and use the middle tab to upload 🙂

      Hope this helps,

      Shawn Tierney

      [sc name="stsigcom"]