In today’s article I review how to remotely trigger Graphic Displays on a PanelView Plus or FactoryTalk View Machine Edition Runtime.

Step 1) With your View Studio project open, double click on Global Connections:

Step 2) Now select the “Display” tab:

Step 3) Here you need to provide a Tag for the “Remote Display Number” Global Connection, which will be used to control which Graphic Display is shown:

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Step 4) After you’ve selected your Tag click on “OK” in the Tag Browser, and “OK” again in Global Connections to save your selection:

Step 5) Now open and check each of your Graphic Displays to be sure they all have a unique “Display Number” setting. This is done in the “Display Settings” for each screen, which can be access from the “Edit” and right-click menus:

Step 6) In the below example, the display shown has a “Display Number” setting of 1:

Step 7) With the above changes complete, run your project. Then when you enter the corresponding value into your “Remote Display Number” tag, the HMI will display that graphic display and will stay there until you change your “Remote Display Number” tag to another value.

NOTE: To allow the operator to freely navigate the HMI project, be sure to set the “Remote Display Number” tag’s value to 0.

Also, if your “Remote Display Number” tag’s value doesn’t correspond to any Graphic Display, you’ll receive an error on the HMI.

If you’d like to watch a video demonstration of the above, check out Episode 5 of The Automation Minute Season 4 below:

Have a question or comment? Please feel free to ask me here.

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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