If like me you couldn’t afford the time away from work to hobnob with friends and colleagues at this year’s Automation Fair, don’t fret!

Thanks to the good folks over at Rockwell Automation, you can once again freely download most Automation Fair 2018 session presentations.

To do so, just follow these simple steps:

Step 1) Navigate your browser to http://automationfair.com, which will redirect you to the Automation Fair homepage shown below:

Step 2) Now for the fun part: The annual “Where’s Waldo” of Automation Fair Downloads!

Don’t see it yet? Look on the left hand side for a picture labeled “Session Materials,” and click on it:

Step 3) After a few moments, you should see the below page with links to download most presentations from this year’s sessions:

Step 4) What, no labs?

Yeah, I noticed that too.

Seems that unlike RSTechED RATechED Rockwell TechED, RA isn’t making the this year’s Automation Fair hands-on lab documents available for download.

That said, I still found some really interesting stuff in what is available, and I’ll summarize my findings in my next few blogs.

Until then, let me wish you all a very…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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