PanelView Plus 700I’ve been getting a lot of calls from clients who have FactoryTalk ViewStudio 5.0, but need to download their Machine Edition runtime application (.mer) to a PanelView Plus 6.0.

I’ve previously wrote about how to use a USB flash drive to transfer an .mer file, but since its more convenient to transfer files across Ethernet I’m writing this article on how to get a free updated copy of the FactoryTalk ViewStudio Machine Edition / PanelView Plus Transfer Utility.

Why would you need an updated copy of the transfer utility? Well, if you have a pre 6 version of View Studio, the transfer utility that comes with it does not recognize the new PanelView Plus 6 units, and therefore won’t download your project to them. But fortunately Rockwell now makes the transfer utility available for download free of charge, and in the following steps I’ll walk you through how to get it:

UPDATE: Rockwell has posted direct download links to v6.1 and the new v7.0 version of the Transfer Utility. See the very bottom of this article for more information.

To start, point your web browser to Scroll half way down the page until you see the “product compatibility and downloads center” link, then click on it. Dowloands 1

Next, click on “get downloads” Downloads 2a

Now click on “Find Product Downloads” Downloads 2b

Search on “free”, then select free downloads, then select find downloads Downloads 4

Now click on the small download icon (gray square with red arrow above) Downloads 5

Scroll down the list until you see the transfer utility, and select it. Downloads 6

At this point you’ll be prompted to agree to Rockwell’s terms for downloading, and need to select yes to continue.

Then you’ll likely be prompted to open or install the Rockwell download manager – chose the affirmative response and the download should begin:

AB Downloads 7

Once downloaded, run the METUsetup.exe file. Note: Everything you need, including the updated RSLinx Enterrise and FactoryTalk Application Platform is included in the download:

AB Downloads 8

I hope this article about downloading a free copy for Rockwell’s FactoryTalk View Studio Machine Edition (ViewME) and PanelView Plus (PVPlus) Transfer Utility was helpful. As always, if you have any questions or comments please click on the “post a comment or question” link below to comment on this article.

UPDATE: Rockwell recently posted version 7.0 of the Transfer Utility as well, as can be seen in the below updated screenshot:

Free Downloads with Transfer Utility 7

UPDATE 2: Rockwell is now providing a direct link to download the v6 and v7 Transfer Utilities:

See the Public Rockwell Technote 460773 for more details.screenshot:

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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