Rockwell Automation recently released for download version 24 of it

The download weighs in at 3.49gb, and with a good high speed connection users can expect it to take just under 30 minutes. The download package includes RSLinx 3.71, as well as FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.71 and FactoryTalk Activation 3.62.11.
What’s new in version 24?
Operating system support: As with version 21 and 23, v24 still supports Windows 7 and Server 2008. However, it also adds support for Windows 8, 8.1, and Server 2012
Logical Organizer: As discussed in our first look here, this additional view allows you to organize your project’s code in a manner that is relevant to your application.
Program Parameters: As discussed in our first look here, program parameters replace program tags and consist of In, Out, InOut, and Public types.
Compare and Merge Tool: As discussed in our first look here, this updated tool allows you to merge various components from two different projects.
ISA 18.2 Alarm Support: The ALMA and ALMD instructions now include support for Out of service, Surpressed by Design, and Shelving.
Library Management Support: Several enhancements supporting library management include wild card support in search and replace, streamlined program delete, and support for 1000 programs per task.
For a full list of new and changed features, check out the official product release notes below:
And if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or corrections please leave them with us by filling out the “post a comment or question” link below.
Until next time, Peace ✌️
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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator
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Good Day Shawn,
Yesterday, I came to costumer site to modify PLC programs under Logic Studio Version 21 but in my laptop installed Logic Studio Version 24. So, When I need to upload online programs, it needs me to update firmware. But I could not do this due to their machine still running. So, What should I do for this case? Does Logic Studio Version 24 has firmware option to version 21 (I have tried to change CPU to 21 from Controller Properties but only version 24 available there)?
Second, I tried also using VMWare that has been installed Logic Studio Version 21 but I should move logic studio license to this VMWare which up to know I have not been successful yet to complete borrow activation.
Could you give me the solutions to clear this issues please, sir
Thank you
Easiest is to install V21 on the same machine as your V24 so you don’t have to mess around with licenses. They will run side by side unlike some other software packages Rockwell sells.
If you can’t do that then the next thing is to make your virtual machine look at the computer with the Logix license on it. There should be tutorials about FactoryTalk Activation on Rockwell’s website how to set up a computer to get a license from another computer.
I dont know whether V21 can be installed in existing (V24) without make crash existing file systems of V24. Did you have experiences installing V21 in V24, Jeff?
Good morning teddyjo,
Your original comment is something very many people run into, and I talk about it in detail here:
As far as solutions, I agree with what Jeff posted.
To get your VMware image to see your license on your hard drive, first insure you can ping your laptop and plc from the VM.
Sometimes you have to edit VMware’s network settings to allow your VM to sit on the same physical Ethernet network as your laptop and PC, as well as run Rockwell’s Windows Firewall Config Utility to open ports (or turn off Windows firewall)
Once you can ping your laptop and PLC from inside your vm, open FTA in the VM and add your laptop computer name or IP address (which ever you can ping) in the activation path, then refresh and FTA should see your laptop licenses.
Ps – I’ve had no issues installing v21 after v24 was already installed, but getting your vm working is the best path imho.
Hope this helps,
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
Hello Shawn is RA planning to fix this minor revision incompatibility issue, this is very annoying problem, worst if you install 20.03 or 21.03 in a .01 revision the installation will overwrite the .01 and make .03. so if i need to open a project developed in .01 i need to uninstall the .03 and install again the .01.. this is the worst software i ever encounter!!
Good afternoon Ganie,
The whole 20.01 vs 20.03 (and 21.00 vs 21.03) issue caught a lot of people off guard, which is one reason why I’ve blogged about in detail.
For anyone else reading, the background is before v20.03 and v21.03 there had never before been minor revs of RSLogix that produced incompatible code, and finding this out after the fact can cause a lot of grief.
That said, v20 will likely get more minor revs, and I’m not sure if Rockwell will ever support side-by-side installations of minor revs.
However, I can say imho Rockwell did make the right decision to release the fixes to v21.03 as v23 and not v21.04. Ok, I would have release it as v22, but at least it can be installed alongside v21.x.
In the future I hope they avoid re-rolling old revs with incompatible minor revs, but in the mean time I’ll just keep spinning up new VM’s as needed,
Best of luck to you Ganie!
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
Install v20.04 to fix the support problem caused by 20.03. Been running it for several months and supports both versions perfectly.
Thanks for the feedback Jeff!
If anyone else finds this, check out my article about 20.04 from back in August:
Shawn Tierney
If I upgrade my studio 5000 from v21 to v24, can I still get online with V21 processors?
You must leave the previous versions installed to use earlier version projects. Installing v24 will not uninstall v21.
I have v19, 20, v21, and v24 all installed on my system. When you open a project, your system will open the appropriate version of RSLogix / Studio 5000.
Good morning Jayjay
Kristopher is right on (Thanks Kristopher!) Just a note of warning about 21 as 21.00 and 21.03 are not compatible. More info below:
Hope this helps,
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
Do you know where i can download V24?
God morning Andres,
Yes, you can download it from:
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
I used V24.00.00 because of having a W8.1 OS. I found a bug in the software and reported it. Apparently they are aware of this and do not plan on fixing it until the next release. The problem I was having was that I could not tag browse, either online or offline, in the programming of the ladder. I prefer programming online. As soon as I clicked on a plus box in the tag browser, it would crash the Studio 5000. I stuck with it because of the W8.1 compatibility but it required me to type in the tags, and more cutting and pasting.
Thanks for the heads-up Bruce,
Shawn Tierney
Hi Shawn,
Can I please have your email address so that we can chat
I need your advice on something
Deon Davis
Good morning Deon,
There’s too many spam bots on the web these days to post an email out in the open, but you can use the contact link at the top of this page to send me a message.
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
This is a great step in the right direction. I was pretty excited about this when I heard about it at TechED in 2013 (it was originally going to be v23).
I do hope Rockwell addresses the inability to make online edits to AOIs at some point. This is a major drawback and probably one of the reasons we limit our use of them.
Let’s hope they do not do what they did with 20 / 21 and follow up with a non-reverse compatible “v24.03”
Good morning Kristopher,
Thanks for your comments – last time I attended PSUG, RA said online edits of AOI’s was at the top of the customer wish list, so I would expect we will get it at some point.
And if the rumors I hear about 20.04 are true, we may never have another “.03” compatibility issue in the future, but only time will tell,
Thanks again,
Shawn Tierney
[sc name="stsigcom"]
Nice. I will try it out.
Let us know what you think,
Shawn Tierney