
In today’s article I’m listing all the TechED sessions I’d recommend to new users of Rockwell Automation products:

SY01 – Introduction to the Integrated Architecture Control and Information System

RSTechED 2014 16 Studio 5000 SessionWhat does ‘Integrated Architecture’ mean? This session lays it all out, and is a great place to start.

CL02 – Rockwell Software Studio 5000® Logix Designer Overview

Learn all the basics about Rockwell’s Studio 5000 Logix Designer in this overview session.

CL05 – Rockwell Software Studio 5000® Logix Designer: Demo & Discussion

A great follow-up session to the last one, this live demo and discussion will show you the features and functions previously discussed.

CL10 – Logix: Basics Lab

At this point you’ve seen an overview and a demo, now jump into some hands on labs with the core capabilities of Studio 5000 Logix Designer.

CL12 – Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP: Hands-on Lab

RSTechED 2014 23 Hands on 1Follow-up the last lab with one focused on how to configure, program, and commission a CompactLogix 5370 controller with integrated motion on EtherNet/IP using the new Kinetix 5500 servo drives and PowerFlex 527 variable frequency drives.

NW01 – Fundamentals of EtherNet/IP Network Technology

You’ve just configured some devices on Ethernet, but probably don’t know all the terminology and acronyms. Well this session will teach you just that.

NW10 – Life of a CIP Packet

Now that you know the basics, take a deeper look into the life of a CIP packet as it travels across a network.

NW13 – The Case for Managed Switching: Use of Managed and Unmanaged Switch Technology in IACS Applications

To round off the introduction to Ethernet, learn why manage switches are so important in an Ethernet/IP system.

PR01 – PlantPAx System Fundamentals

Now that you have the Studio 5000 and Ethernet/IP basics, next I recommend this session which takes Rockwell’s Integrated Architecture from a stand alone system to a whole plant distributed control system.

PR03 – Discovering the Functionality of the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects

These libraries are quickly gaining popularity, so this live demo and discussion session is a good one to take.

SY18 – Tools that Simplify Product Sizing and Selection: Lab

This hands-on session covers three excellent tools to help you design a system BOM: Integrated Architecture Builder (IAB), Motion Analyzer (MA) and ProposalWorks (PW.)

VZ01 – FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition and PanelView™ Plus: Introductory Lab

RSTechED 2014 22 ClassTime for some hands-on with HMI’s, and this lab covers the basics of FactoryTalk View Machine Edition, including creating applications, working with displays, global objects, tags, parameters, as well as testing and running applications.

VZ04 – FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition and PanelView™ Plus: Project Skills Lab

This hands-on lab walks you through using Data Logs, Trends, RecipePlus, Alarms, Information Messages, Global objects, and diagnostic tools.

VZ06 – FactoryTalk® View Site Edition: Building Applications (Part 1)

Now that you’ve done the ViewME basics lab, extend your knowledge with a SCADA lab using FactoryTalk View Site Edition.

This session allows you to pick and choose from subjects related the basic building blocks of a FactoryTalk Site Edition application.

Well that’s it for my short list of TechED sessions I’d recommend to new users.

If you’ve reviewed the session list yourself and have your own suggestions I’d love to hear what they are! Just submit the “Leave a reply” link below.

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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