In today’s article I’m posting pictures from the floor of Automation Fair 2014

First up: I thought the Informational Software booth with overhead displays was impressive:

Automation-Fair-2014-Booth-2I also thought the mock control room was very well done:


Many of the booths also sported large touchscreens like the one pictured below:

Automation-Fair-2014-Booth-Large-TouchscreensSome of the smaller booths also looked great, like this one from Dalsa:

Automation-Fair-2014-Booth-3Here we see the entire family of Micro800 Controllers and I/O:

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-Micro800And here are the motion options for the Micro800:

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-Micro800-MotionFunny, kind of felt like seeing an old friends when I stumbled across the MicroLogix Family:

(how come there never was an Ethernet processor for the 1500 base? Yes, I asked!)

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-MicroLogixSensors! I’m always impressed how much these guys can fit into such a small area:

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-IC-Sensors-1That’s a lot of Proximity Sensors…

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-IC-Sensors-2Lights! Something about the holiday season and lights drew me to the next two displays:

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-IC-Lights-2More lights:

Automation-Fair-2014-AB-IC-LightsMolex always shows off an impressive number of modules:

Automation-Fair-2014-MolexAs does ProSoft Technologies:

Automation-Fair-2014-ProsoftFinally, I always love checking out the demo control panels to see what’s being shown off inside. Below are a couple of the better ones:

Automation-Fair-2014-Z-Panel1I’m sure the radio and antennas are only installed inside the panel for convenience:

Automation-Fair-2014-Z-Panel2Well that’s it for my pictures from the show floor of Automation Fair 2014.

In the coming days I’ll be posting product specific pictures along with any new information I learned at the show.

In the mean time, if you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or corrections, please feel free to leave them here by using the “post a comment or question” link below.

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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