
With the holidays upon us, I wanted to take this moment to wish all of you a very Happy Holiday!

I had hoped to have a few new articles and videos posted this week, as well as additional lessons for the courses over at TheAutomationSchool.com, but then life happened.

2016-12-berkshire-snowBetween cars breaking down, frozen pipes needing to be thawed, snow needing to be cleared, misbehaving automation equipment needing to be fixed, and all those little things that come up as the holidays approach, to say this week didn’t go as planned would be an understatement!

That said, I also plan to take much of next week off to visit with family, unwind, and take care of some personal things I’ve been putting off since starting the blog back in 2013.

So if I’m not back before the start of the new year, let me take this moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and Happy Kwanzaa!

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

Have a question? Join my community of automation professionals and take part in the discussion! You'll also find my PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at TheAutomationSchool.com.

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