Let me wish all of you a very Happy Halloween!

And if any of you are automating a Holiday Display (Haunted House, Holiday Lights, etc) I’d love to hear about the products you’re using, and how you’re automating your display.

But first, in the spirit of the Halloween let me walk you through how to change the online animation in RSLogix 5, 500, and Micro, from a Ladder to a Pumpkin!

What is the online animation in RSLogix?

I’m glad you asked!

If you’ve ever gone online with a SLC-500, MicroLogix, or PLC-5, then you should be familiar with the rotating “Ladder” animation near the top of the screen:

RSLogix 500 online with a MicroLogix 1400

Well, unless you’re still using DOS and 6200/APS/AI, in which case you likely can’t read this article since there are no decent web-browsers for DOS!

Ladder Online AnimationThat small “Ladder” animation actually rotates at a speed representative of your current online connection.

Connect to your PLC using serial cable, and the “Ladder” turns very slow, similar to how fast you can program over a serial connection 😉

Connect with Ethernet and the “Ladder” spins much faster, representing how navigating and editing online over Ethernet can feel quick and responsive (Ethernet FTW!)

But since today is Halloween, let’s change the animation from a “Ladder” to a “Glowing Pumpkin!”

The first thing you want to do (once RSLogix is open) is hold down the “Control” (CTRL) key on your keyboard.

Then right click on the online animation graphic itself (shown below as the previously mentioned “Ladder”:)

RSLogix online animation - hold ctrl and right click

Next, from the Animations menu, select Pumpkin.

Note: If you don’t hold down the “Control” key, you won’t see the Animations menu!

Now your RSLogix is appropriately configured for the season with a Pumpkin animation!

Pumkin Online Animation

If you’re not really feeling in the Pumpkin mood, there are three other animations (shown below) that you can try out. Personally, I like the gears 😉


Gears Online Animation

RSI Logo

RSI Online Animation


Globe Online Animation

That said, I know many folks out there are automating their Haunted Houses and Holiday Displays with PLC’s, and I’d love to put a story together about what products they’re using, and how they are automating their display with them!

So if you’re one of those people and would like to share your story, please either contact me HERE, or post your story below using the “comment” link under my signature.

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

Eliminate commercials and gain access to my weekly full length hands-on, news, and Q&A sessions by becoming a member at The Automation Blog or on YouTube. You'll also find all of my affordable PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at TheAutomationSchool.com.

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