RSView32 RSWater“Where’s your WWTP demo?” the client asked right before dismissing RSView32 for his project.

Not that it was a big system by any means, and it wasn’t that RSView32 isn’t installed in a hundred different WWTP plants. But this client wasn’t going to buy a product that didn’t have a demo of his industry.

That experience lead me down a long road which culminated in the creation of this modified demo, which I first showed at the New England Water Works Trade Show.

This version of Rockwell’s RSWater demo, dubbed by me as version 3.5, is actually a combination of a few Rockwell demos: RSWater 1 & 2 for RSView32, as well as screens from the Water Demo for RSViewSE.

Note: Special thanks goes out to the guys at Rockwell for exporting the SE graphics to RSView32 to make the Water section possible.

  • RSView32 Version: 6.40
  • Additional Requirements: None
  • I/O Size: 0
  • File Size: 3.45 mb
  • Uploaded on: 8-1-02
  • Original Developed By: Rockwell Software
  • Modified into current form by: Shawn Michael Tierney

Update: 03-16-04 Posted new 3.5 version which has the following additions:

  • Alarm Screen
  • RSMessenger Screen
  • VBA Reports
  • User Security

Download Link: RSView32 RSWater 3.5

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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Note: This article was previously posted on the author's original websites, and


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