The Last Few Months…

You may have noticed the frequency of my blogs, videos, and podcasts has slowed over the last two months as I split my time between a WWTP SACADA project, and creating my very first PanelView course, PVP Basics.

That course, which is currently on sale at, took far longer to create than I had hoped, and after completing it I came to the conclusion that I needed to make some upgrades to my studio.

So What’s Next?

Now that I’ve completed the studio upgrades, my next goal is to produce several more PLC courses, with much of the needed PLC equipment now on order.

Why the focus on training courses?

Well, while I truly enjoy blogging and creating helpful how to videos, neither of those nor my Patreon backers and other donations come even close to paying the bills, whereas my training course have that potential.

So with that in mind, I’m focusing the next several weeks to updating my existing PLC Basics (intro to PLCs) course, as well as creating new courses on the Micro 800, MicroLogix, SLC-500, PLC-5, and Compact/ControlLogix.

Each will be a couple of hours in length, and I estimate each will take 40-80 hours to complete (it’s truly mind boggling how much time it takes to record, edit, render, and publish a video course!)

Each of these new courses will also forgo the raw basics of “what is ladder logic” and “what is a Bit, Byte, and Word” found in my PLC Basics course.

Instead, they will be designed for someone who has already taken that course, or has already programed another PLC, and wants to learn how to use the specific series covered by each course.

Hopefully if everything works out as planned I’ll be posting weekly updates here.

If you would like to submit your suggestions on what should be covered (which will also garner you a 50% off coupon!) check out any of the coming soon courses over at as each contains a feedback form.

Well, that’s it for today’s blog post, have a great weekend!

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

Have a question? Join my community of automation professionals and take part in the discussion! You'll also find my PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at

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