RSView32 Security Popup Demo I get asked a lot if there is some “popup” window that comes up when a user try’s to do something he doesn’t have permissions for. Well, using an RSI app note as a starting point, I put together this demo that does just that.

  • RSView32 Version: 6.20.49
  • Additional Requirements:  1024×768
  • I/O Size: 0
  • File Size: 84KB
  • Uploaded on: 4/30/00 (reposted 1/4/4)
  • Developed By: Shawn Michael Tierney

Download Link: RSView32 Security Popup Demo

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

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Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

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Note: This article was previously posted on the author's original websites, and

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